Letters About Graphic Novels
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093 / Negroni With A Twist
I wasn’t expecting to draw a whole short story in 2020 but here it is - I hope you enjoy it!
• 1 minute read
085 / Storytelling Panel By Panel
The third and final guest letter, with some useful advice on plotting out the panels of a comic.
• 4 minute read
070 / Asterios Polyp
I break down the visual storytelling in this radical and fascinating graphic novel.
• 2 minute read
055 / Sequential Art
A look inside Berlin - one of the best graphic novels I’ve ever read and my thoughts on what filmmakers can learn from comics artists.
• 4 minute read
047 / More Thoughts On Words And Pictures
From Tilly Walden to William Blake - some inspirational notes on telling stories with words and pictures.
• 4 minute read
042 / I'm Still Thinking About These Ideas
A collection of ideas, quotes and provocations which are still lingering in my brain weeks after I saw them.
• 6 minute read
019 / Five Miscellaneous Things
There’s a lot in this one! Poetry, filmmaking, graphic novels and visual storytelling - take your pick!
• 6 minute read
004 / It's Telling You What It Wants To Be
Thoughts on the creative process and letting the work tell you what it wants to be.
• 3 minute read
003 / Movies Made In Slow Motion
How graphic novels and films are sister mediums, speaking the same language.
• 3 minute read